What if we brought principles and processes from analog spaces into the digital?

#structured  #moderated  #time-intensive


What if commentary sections were round?

If we look at a conversation within a group, we see that the speakers naturally form a circle in which everyone can be heard. People can join in – the circle opens up for them. What about the 'conversation' in comment sections? Based on the discrepancy between the linear, opaque, and asynchronous communication in online comment sections and the conversational situations of groups in the analog, the questions arose: What if we brought principles and processes from the analog into the digital world? What if comment sections were round? With the Round Table, users of social media or online newspapers can sit down in small groups at the digital round table and have a real conversation - provided they respect the norms and rules. The Round Table specifically takes the design parameter structure to the extreme.


in circles – start off equally and share your first thoughts in turns
The highly structured discussion begins with a introduction round in which everyone present must share an initial contribution on the topic. The contributions are held one after the other.

one at a time – raise your hand and take your turn in a fair way
The contributions to the group must be announced by a show of hands and the acknowledgement of each contribution must be confirmed by all. Only then is it the the next person turn.


active reading – read everything carefully and understand the whole context
If the confirmation click does not happen within a few minutes, there is a risk of exclusion from the Round Table. This is because the dialog at the Round Table takes place synchronously and accordingly demands complete presence and full attention from the participants.
